On Tuesday, Jul 12, 2016, I plan to start for a 2nd 750-mile Oregon Desert Trail (ODT) speed record attempt. The 2015 attempt ended prematurely after 9 days and 371 miles because of a debilitating Achilles inflammation. Once again, my goal is to run the challenging and largely unmarked “trail” across the Oregon deserts solo and self-supported. What could possibly go wrong this time?
“Hastening Eastward” Movie Clip
Check out the following clip to get a better idea of what this endurance challenge is all about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzY2uAxzgs8 (direct URL).
The Trail
The trail is the brainchild of the Oregon Natural Desert Association (ONDA). Because of its novelty and uniqueness, it was featured in both a National Geographic (“World’s Best Hikes: 20 Dream Trails“) and CNN article (“10 of the world’s most amazing long-distance trails“). Compared to other long-distance trails, the 750-mile ODT is very challenging for a thru-hiker/runner, both physically and logistically. There are few reliable water sources, the trail is extremely remote, 267 miles (36%) are cross-country, and the environment is very unforgiving.

Map of the conceptual trail designed by ONDA. (c) Map by Mapbox. For an interactive version, click here.

ODT distance comparison. Run the ODT or run on I-5 from Portland to Fresno? Neither option sounds completely sane to me.
I will start from the Tumulus trailhead in the Oregon Badlands, just outside of Bend, and then haste eastward. In the unlikely case that things go well, I may finish the adventure in the Owyhee Canyonlands at the Owyhee State Park.
Additional Resources
- ODT: Maps
- ODT: Trail Surface by Section
- ODT: Silence Map. Want silence? Do the ODT!
- ODT: The slow exception. Long-distance trail daily mileage comparison.
- NW RaceCentre Magazine article on Epic Adventures: https://issuu.com/racecenter/docs/rcnw_junjul16_digitalissue (see page 26-27)
- ONDA blog post: Christof Teuscher Runs for Discovery on the Oregon Desert Trail
- ONDA’s Oregon Desert Trail (ODT) page with everything you need to know to do it yourself.
The endurance challenge will be completed by following strict leave-no-trace ethics. In order to reduce landfill waste, all trash will be recycled. The buried cache bins will serve as temporary trash bins during the adventure. They will all be retrieved after the adventure, whether I finish successfully or not.