On Jul 18, 2022, #teamHairNoHair, a.k.a. Megan and Christof, will start for a self-supported Fastest Known Time (FKT) attempt of the new 530mi Blue Mountains Trail in northeastern Oregon.
“The Blue Mountains, perhaps the most geologically diverse part of Oregon, consist of a series of mountain ranges, rolling uplands, and valleys in the northeastern part of the state and extending into southeastern Washington. Slightly less than a sixth of Oregon’s land area, the region occupies about 15,000 square miles. The precise boundaries of the Blues, as they are often called, are indistinct, but the western extent roughly coincides with the western edge of the Ochoco and Maury Mountains and the eastern edge with the Snake River in Hells Canyon. The Blue Mountains also include the Greenhon Range and the Aldrich, Strawberry, Elkhorn, and Wallowa Mountains. […] This rugged landscape and its geology have influenced nearly all aspects of human history in the region, from the homelands of Native peoples, to the migration routes of resettlers, to the location and types of natural resources” [Source].

The 530mi Blue Mountains Trail (BMT). Map courtesy of Greater Hells Canyon Council. Reproduced with permission.
“We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps.” — Herman Hesse, Siddhartha
The route
The Blue Mountains Trail is a brand new, spiral-shaped trail that interconnects diverse eco-regions of the Greater Hells Canyon Region. It was launched in 2021 by the Greater Hells Canyon Council. The trail leads through mountains, forests, rivers, ecosystems, and communities of northeast Oregon. Contemplated, mapped, and dreamed of for more than half a century by conservationists, the trail is now tangible:
- 530 miles through northeast Oregon, from Wallowa Lake State Park near Joseph to John Day.
- 7 of Northeast Oregon’s wilderness areas, 1 National Recreation Area, 3 National Forests.
- Ancestral lands of the Nez Perce, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla, and Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
- 3 Oregon State Parks.
- Connects with the communities of Joseph, Troy, Tollgate, La Grande, Sumpter, Austin Junction and John Day, with connection opportunities to more nearby towns.
Dot watching
Tracking will be available in the embedded map below or at https://maps.findmespot.com/s/3T8G. The planned start is in the early morning hours of Mon, Jul 18, 2022.
- Blue Mountains Trail: https://www.hellscanyon.org/blue-mountains-trail
- The Blue Mountains Trail – A 60-Year Vision Gains Momentum: https://katabaticgear.com/blogs/blog/the-blue-mountains-trail-a-60-year-vision-gains-momentum
- Blue Mountains Trail Backpacking & Thru-Hiking Guide: https://www.treelinereview.com/where-to-go/blue-mountains-trail
- Renee Patrick Has Hiked the Country’s Most Iconic Long-Distance Trails. Now, She’s Pioneered Oregon’s Newest Epic Route: https://www.wweek.com/outdoors/2021/03/09/renee-patrick-has-hiked-the-countrys-most-iconic-long-distance-trails-now-shes-pioneered-oregons-newest-epic-route
- She-ra Hikes the Blue Mountains Trail: https://sherahikes.com/2020-blue-mountains-trail
- Greater Hells Canyon Council: https://www.hellscanyon.org
- Blue Mountains, Oregon Encyclopedia: https://www.oregonencyclopedia.org/articles/blue_mountains
- Blue Mountains Trail FKTs: https://fastestknowntime.com/route/blue-mountains-trail