REPORT: Unsupported One-way and Out & Back Arctic Circle Trail FKTs

In a nutshell In August 2022, I was able to set two new unsupported FKTs on the Arctic Circle Trail (ACT) in Greenland. One-way (90mi): 1d 23h 30m. Out & back (180mi): 4d 10h 15m. The one-way time came out… Continue Reading

NEWS: 180mi unsupported, solo, one-way and out & back Arctic Circle Trail FKT attempts

On Tue, Aug 16, 2022, (travel permitting) I will attempt both an unsupported one-way (90mi) and out & back (180mi) Fastest Known Time (FKT) of the Arctic Circle Trail (ACT) in Greenland. Unsupported means I will carry all my food… Continue Reading